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5 Ways to Fight Writer's Block

Writer’s block can be any creative persons downfall. And while it’s difficult to fight off the strong feeling of writer’s block, there are definite steps that you can do that will help ease off the strain and possibly help you out of the unproductive puddle.

I’ve been out of the loop for a few months now, and let me tell you I don’t feel good about it. I finished my manuscript, left if alone before starting the editing process, and now I’m at a standstill. What do I do next? Start the sequel? And zap…I have no idea what I’m doing. Not only with my novel, but for everything else as well.

But it’s not about feeling bad or guilty about falling on board the writer’s block train.

This happens to everyone, and it does nothing if you beat yourself up about it.

So here are my steps that helped me break through my writer’s block, and perhaps they may help you as well!

1. Listen to Music

This is a major one for me, since music is my #1 inspiration for my writing. What helps is figuring out what kind of music inspires you, whether it’s classical, alternative, or even metal. As long as it gets your imaginative gears rolling, then it works for you.

2. Free Writing

Don’t think about it, don’t plan it, just let the words flow. If you're painting, drawing, or trying to fill up a page, don’t worry about the details, don’t worry if it makes sense, just get your hands moving and your mind flowing. What matters is that you don’t stop doing what you love and get out of practice.

3. Do Something Else

Go on a hike, learn how to crochet, go play that game just came out. It never hurts to take a break, as long as it doesn’t turn into an extension of your block. Doing something else that still gets your inspiration ticking works in your favor, as it may be helpful for when you get back to writing with a fresh perspective.

4. Brainstorm

Planning something to write? Getting ready to write that big scene? Well brainstorming and drawing out a map will work. Especially for visual people, drawing out maps and diagrams can really help when trying to get a whole bunch of information to make sense. Brainstorm and come up with a way that makes sense to you on how you want to approach this. Make charts, write in bullet points, or even draw in thought bubbles.

5. Fight It Head On

If you're just done with your writer’s block and just want it gone and over with, then just tackle it head on! While this may be difficult, it may work with just a bit of patience. If you have an idea in your head, use that to your advantage. Just write! Write as much as you can, and near the end of your idea, stop. The next day, use the rest of your momentum and continue it which will jump start the process and help you be able to write even more. Keeping up the momentum is key!

So here were my five best ways to fight writer’s block. And if you find that none of these work for you, then don’t fret! Find something that you enjoy that will give you inspiration and put you in the right mind to get you writing again!

Some say that writer’s block is just a myth, and that it all comes down to procrastination and laziness, but I disagree!

Writer’s block is when we are stumped in the middle of our creative project, and it comes out of nowhere. It all comes down to your mood, your environment, and your momentum.

Go fight and stay positive, you’ll be out of the puddle soon!

Keep writing!


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